B2B Marketing Resources

The 10 Strongest and Most Valuable Global B2B Brands

The 10 Strongest and Most Valuable Global B2B Brands

Consulting and commercial services firm Deloitte has the strongest B2B brand in the world, according to recent research from Brand Finance.

Better Writing Will Not Fix Your Content. Here's What Will.

Better Writing Will Not Fix Your Content. Here's What Will.

There's a reason we don't write poetry to convince prospects to buy our products (although how fun would that be?). B2B content needs a lot more than beautiful writing to work the way it's supposed to.

Supercharge Your Online Form Conversions With Address Autocomplete

Supercharge Your Online Form Conversions With Address Autocomplete

How many leads does your company lose as a consequence of awkward form fields or a bad user experience? Learn how to increase online form conversions.

Product Line Strategy: Five Approaches

Product Line Strategy: Five Approaches

If you're responsible for a company's marketing strategy, one of the main issues you'll face is how to manage multiple products (or services) for the future as well as maximize product opportunities in the present. It turns out there are various approaches to solving that problem, but each has its pros and cons.

Why Event Organizers Are Ditching Vanity Metrics—And Choosing These Metrics Instead

Why Event Organizers Are Ditching Vanity Metrics—And Choosing These Metrics Instead

The virtual events of the pandemic have had long-lasting effects on event marketing: namely, the metrics marketers use to track their success. It's now much less about registrations and more about metrics that actually matter.

How to Find and Nurture the Entrepreneurs in Your Company

How to Find and Nurture the Entrepreneurs in Your Company

Your organization's greatest innovations have yet to be discovered. Who's going to discover them? Your sales team's entrepreneurs. So, find and nurture your brightest problem-solvers. Here's how.

How Author Authority Affects Search Rankings

How Author Authority Affects Search Rankings

Google may have retired its official authorship markup, but that doesn't mean a creator's authority no longer matters. This article explores why including author information on a webpage can boost its ranking.

The Best Days and Times to Post on Social Media

The Best Days and Times to Post on Social Media

Which days and times tend to deliver the highest engagement on social media posts from businesses? To find out, Sprout Social analyzed data from more than 34,000 of its customers across various plan types, industries, and locations.

The Digital Marketing Jobs That Will Be Disrupted Most by AI

The Digital Marketing Jobs That Will Be Disrupted Most by AI

Digital marketers say the industry roles that will likely be disrupted most by artificial intelligence are content writers, email marketers, and social media managers, according to recent research from Authority Hacker.

How to Survive the Cookieless Future: Refocus on Your Owned Media Strategy

How to Survive the Cookieless Future: Refocus on Your Owned Media Strategy

Taking control of your owned media will help your organization transition more smoothly into the coming "cookieless" world. Learn what that means, and how to do it.

Top 5 Marketing Agency Metrics to Measure

Top 5 Marketing Agency Metrics to Measure

Whether you're looking to track the progress of your agency or you need to be alerted when business performance is going down, the metrics in this article can help you.

The Marketing Growth Triad: Data, Tech, and Creativity

The Marketing Growth Triad: Data, Tech, and Creativity

More and more marketing teams are being expected to drive business growth. The easiest way to do that is incorporate an interdisciplinary team focused on companywide goals and three oft-siloed marketing elements.

Seven Tips for a Successful B2B E-Commerce Strategy

Seven Tips for a Successful B2B E-Commerce Strategy

Products, prices, description, checkout. You're all set for e-commerce! But not so fast... there's more to it than that. In this article, get tips for your strategy.

Search Advertising Spend Trends for 2023

Search Advertising Spend Trends for 2023

Global advertiser spend on search marketing is expected to be robust this year, despite a broader digital ad market slowdown, according to recent research from WARC.

Does Marketing or Sales Own Customer Strategy?

Does Marketing or Sales Own Customer Strategy?

Most senior marketers say that customer strategy is not equally owned by Marketing and Sales in their organization, according to recent research from the CMO Council and KPMG.

Reframing Brand Measurement: It's Not Who, But Where

Reframing Brand Measurement: It's Not Who, But Where

Customer profiles, user browsing data, and benchmark studies are designed to help companies know exactly who their customers are and what brand sentiments they have. But what if we don't need that much information?

Five Tips for Writing Web Content That Captures Attention

Five Tips for Writing Web Content That Captures Attention

Web content is different from other forms of writing, and people consume it differently. The best-practices outlined in this article can help you create content that boosts your brand, improves SEO, and captures people's attention.

Five Tips for Effective Communication With Distributed Teams

Five Tips for Effective Communication With Distributed Teams

Zoom fatigue? You may be missing those water-cooler conversations. Feeling confused? You might need a video call to give you some visual cues. This article offers five tips for healthy communication with a remote team.

How to Be a Strategic Technology Partner: Bridging the Knowledge Gap

How to Be a Strategic Technology Partner: Bridging the Knowledge Gap

Although the role that technology vendors play is critical to their clients, the relationship between the two parties can often feel transactional. Building a long-term strategic partnership, on the other hand, can benefit both.

SEO, Backlinks, and BEO: Three Pillars for Stronger PR and Brand Awareness

SEO, Backlinks, and BEO: Three Pillars for Stronger PR and Brand Awareness

Now that media outlets have fully transitioned to online spaces, PR and SEO have become intrinsically linked. Journalists do searches, too, and the higher a press release ranks in search results, the more likely it will be covered.

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