Email Marketing Resources

How Much Harder Has Email Marketing Become?

How Much Harder Has Email Marketing Become?

From privacy features to dark mode options, email marketing has become much more complex over the past decade. Marketers need to be open to continual change.

Five Ways to Realign Your Email Marketing to Your Overall Business Goals in 2023

Five Ways to Realign Your Email Marketing to Your Overall Business Goals in 2023

It's always a good time to fine-tune your email marketing. Tactics that may have seemed brand new in previous years have become table stakes in 2023.

Your Most Important Job as a B2B Email Marketer Is...

Your Most Important Job as a B2B Email Marketer Is...

B2B brands should be playing the long game with their email marketing because their businesses are a long game. So... what's the real goal of a B2B email marketer? Opens? Clicks? Conversions? Nope.

How Much Time Do People Typically Spend Looking at an Email?

How Much Time Do People Typically Spend Looking at an Email?

The average amount of time people spend reading an individual email has steadily declined over the past four years, according to recent research from Litmus.

Picking the Right Email Sender Name: Brand or Person?

Picking the Right Email Sender Name: Brand or Person?

When people scroll through their email inboxes, they're looking for names they recognize, so it might not be the best idea to use a person's name in the sender field—unless that person has an established relationship with the customer. See the arguments for and against.

Three Tips to Keep Top of Mind for Your Next Email Service Provider RFP

Three Tips to Keep Top of Mind for Your Next Email Service Provider RFP

There's nothing particularly thrilling about writing RFPs. But when it's time to switch email service providers, the sheer number of options basically requires you to write them. Here are three tips to make the process less painful.

Enterprise Email Marketing: Top Trends and Challenges

Enterprise Email Marketing: Top Trends and Challenges

Marketers at large companies plan to focus their email strategies more on automation and mobile-friendly design in the year ahead, according to recent research from OMI and Ascend2.

How to Build Marketing Automation Campaigns That Prompt Desired Behaviors From Your Leads

How to Build Marketing Automation Campaigns That Prompt Desired Behaviors From Your Leads

This article explores why it's important to build campaigns that elicit the behaviors you wish to see your leads displaying, and how to do that effectively—through marketing automation.

Four Ways to Boost Email Deliverability Before Your Holiday Email Campaigns

Four Ways to Boost Email Deliverability Before Your Holiday Email Campaigns

Email spam filters are smart enough to know what your regular delivery schedule looks like. If your holiday campaigns look different, you'll have to tackle your sender reputation ahead of time. Here's how.

Seven Post-Purchase Email Conversations That Will Foster Customer Trust and Loyalty

Seven Post-Purchase Email Conversations That Will Foster Customer Trust and Loyalty

It takes continual, meticulous post-purchase engagement to turn a one-time customer into a brand evangelist. That engagement usually begins with an email conversation.

Six Email Marketing Trends in 2022

Six Email Marketing Trends in 2022

How are marketers adapting their email strategies in a rapidly evolving digital world? Check out six trends that emerged from Knak's email marketing benchmark report.

Webinar Invitations: Examples and Best-Practices

Webinar Invitations: Examples and Best-Practices

We've all been there: You send out a million party invitations, and nobody shows up. Ouch. To ensure that doesn't happen with your company webinars, use these invitation tips.

Email Newsletters: Nine New Best-Practices

Email Newsletters: Nine New Best-Practices

The email newsletter will never die! But it will continue to undergo changes every now and then. Here are nine of today's best-practices that will get your newsletter read.

How to Charge Up Your Email Marketing With Video Enhancements

How to Charge Up Your Email Marketing With Video Enhancements

Email marketing, though old school, is always evolving, as are its enhancements. HTML has become par for the course, but many are still reluctant to include video in their emails. This article breaks down the possibilities and best-practices.

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