Email Marketing Resources

Is Cold Email Dead?

Is Cold Email Dead?

Explore whether cold email is becoming illegal and if it's losing effectiveness. Stay informed on critical cold email issues. Read more.

Generational Divide: Should Brands Avoid Slang in Email Marketing?

Generational Divide: Should Brands Avoid Slang in Email Marketing?

Baby Boomers and Gen X are more likely to believe that the use of slang in email marketing damages brand image compared with Millennials and Gen Z, according to recent research.

How to Get Your Emails Seen, Read, and Acted On: Deliverability and Testing Tips

How to Get Your Emails Seen, Read, and Acted On: Deliverability and Testing Tips

Learn how to boost your email deliverability and engagement. Discover effective tips for testing to ensure your emails are seen and acted on.

How to Maximize Email Engagement: 12 Effective Ways to Segment Your List

How to Maximize Email Engagement: 12 Effective Ways to Segment Your List

Learn 12 powerful email segmentation methods to tailor your campaigns and maximize engagement and conversions. Read more.

Your Email List: How to Build and Maintain It

Your Email List: How to Build and Maintain It

Email continues to do so much of the heavy lifting for marketers, creating and maintaining long-lasting customer relationships. And, without exception, every successful email program is built on a foundation of a solid email list.

Optimize B2B Email Marketing With Generative AI: How Integration Saves Time

Optimize B2B Email Marketing With Generative AI: How Integration Saves Time

Explore the impact of generative AI on B2B email marketing—from saving time to enhancing personalization. Read more to boost your campaigns.

The Biggest Email Marketing Opportunities for B2B Brands

The Biggest Email Marketing Opportunities for B2B Brands

Explore the untapped potential of your B2B email marketing. Use these insights to improve customer engagement with your emails and help build enduring loyal relationships. Read more.

How to Get Started With Multilingual Email Marketing

How to Get Started With Multilingual Email Marketing

A multilingual email marketing strategy doesn't stop at the translation of text. Localization is also essential. This article breaks down what you need to consider.

Email Opens Are Not Dead: What's Changed and What Hasn't

Email Opens Are Not Dead: What's Changed and What Hasn't

The launch of Apple's mail privacy protection two years ago immediately led to cries of "Email opens are dead!" But much like the cries of "Email is dead," they should be ignored. Learn how open rate can still be useful.

How to Keep Your PR Email List Healthy to Get More Media Coverage

How to Keep Your PR Email List Healthy to Get More Media Coverage

As a PR pro, you can't rely on someone else to source genuine media contacts for you. Keeping a healthy PR email list is your responsibility. Here's how to do that.

Reimagining Communication: The Evolution and Staying Power of Email

Reimagining Communication: The Evolution and Staying Power of Email

Is email dead? Hardly. Its role is simply changing. This article explores the potential of that role, from email intelligence to data security.

How to Craft the Perfect Cold Email With ChatGPT

How to Craft the Perfect Cold Email With ChatGPT

Cold emails often get a bad rap for being intrusive, generic, and spammy. Can ChatGPT help? You bet it can.

How Enterprises Are Using AI for Email Marketing

How Enterprises Are Using AI for Email Marketing

Are enterprise marketers using artificial intelligence to help with their email campaigns? If so, what are the most common uses and challenges? To find out, RPE Origin and Ascend2 surveyed 110 marketers who work for organizations with 500+ employees.

Email Behavior Trends for 2023

Email Behavior Trends for 2023

How often do people check their email? Why do they look at their inboxes? Which devices do they use? To find out, ZeroBounce conducted a global survey of 657 adults.

Engagement-Based Email Segmentation: How to Ensure Your Messages Land in the Inbox

Engagement-Based Email Segmentation: How to Ensure Your Messages Land in the Inbox

Email segmentation is a tried-and-true tactic for maximizing email engagement. But how can segmentation help senders get more emails into the inbox? This article offers some ideas.

How to Use Email Suppression Lists for Better Email Marketing

How to Use Email Suppression Lists for Better Email Marketing

As an email marketer, you must maintain good list hygiene. One way to do that is by creating an email suppression list. Here's how.

The 'Best' Use Cases for Unique Generative AI-Crafted Emails (Unfortunately!)

The 'Best' Use Cases for Unique Generative AI-Crafted Emails (Unfortunately!)

As generative AI becomes more sophisticated, it will find many uses in the email space, such as sending automated support and customer service email responses. But it's unlikely to be used to create permission-based promotional marketing emails. Here's why.

Beyond Open Rate: Eight Metrics for More Effective Email Marketing

Beyond Open Rate: Eight Metrics for More Effective Email Marketing

Was your campaign email opened? If the recipient just deleted it anyway, maybe it doesn't matter. Try shifting your email measurements to these eight metrics instead.

The Biggest Blocks During the Email Production Process

The Biggest Blocks During the Email Production Process

Many email marketers say their campaign production is significantly slowed down by having to continually collect feedback from stakeholders and get buy-in, according to recent research from Litmus.

The Future of Content Marketing: Five Predictions

The Future of Content Marketing: Five Predictions

If only it were possible to read tea leaves and divine exactly what the future holds for our beloved content marketing! But it's not, so Chad S. White offers his own compelling predictions.

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