Marketing Strategy Resources

When AI Is Too Much: How to Balance Human and AI Marketing

When AI Is Too Much: How to Balance Human and AI Marketing

Have you ever been on the receiving end of AI that didn't work well? It can be awkward and even creepy. To avoid that "uncanny valley," marketers need to learn which functions are human-specific and which ones can be passed off to a bot.

How B2B Firms' CRM Usage Is Evolving

How B2B Firms' CRM Usage Is Evolving

B2B leaders say their firms have increasingly been using customer relationship management (CRM) systems as centralized communications hubs for nurturing leads, according to recent research from SugarCRM.

The B2B Buying Process Visualized

The B2B Buying Process Visualized

Marketers are well-versed in the customer journey. But knowing the other side of the story—the buying process (no, the two are not the same)—is also important. Le's visualize the process to truly understand it.

Three Generative AI Tools and Tricks You May Not Have Considered

Three Generative AI Tools and Tricks You May Not Have Considered

You've likely heard how generative AI can automate content creation, enhance data analysis, and power chatbots. Here are three additional use cases for AI you might have overlooked.

Strategic Alliances: Benefits and Risks

Strategic Alliances: Benefits and Risks

To minimize risk and maximize the benefits of strategic alliances, B2B companies must carefully consider their specific circumstances, objectives, and the compatibility of potential partners. Here's what you need to know.

Stop Trying to Measure Everything, Use an Outcome-Focused Lens Instead

Stop Trying to Measure Everything, Use an Outcome-Focused Lens Instead

We marketers have grown accustomed to measuring everything. It if can be measured, why not do it? Well... because metrics are messy and outcomes are more important.

Three Keys to Safely Using Generative AI in Marketing

Three Keys to Safely Using Generative AI in Marketing

Generative AI is a gamechanger, but it could also be a nightmare. When so many pieces of content can be created so fast, how do you ensure the quality and consistency you need to keep everything on brand? Here are three tips.

Empathy in Marketing: A B2B Gamechanger

Empathy in Marketing: A B2B Gamechanger

Are you using empathy to its full potential in your marketing? This article argues for a comprehensive approach— empathic marketing—that resonates with audience emotions, desires, and needs and translates into business success.

How to Build a High-Conversion Evergreen Lead Funnel: A Five-Step Guide

How to Build a High-Conversion Evergreen Lead Funnel: A Five-Step Guide

We've all heard it: B2B buyers are leaning toward self-service. Enter: the lead funnel, which allows you to sell your offer before your sales team even gets on the phone. Sound good? Check out the details.

Your Evolving Value Proposition: How to Recognize It and Get Ahead of Agency Competitors

Your Evolving Value Proposition: How to Recognize It and Get Ahead of Agency Competitors

The value proposition isn't just changeable; it's as dynamic as a world currency. Learn why marketing agencies in particular must stay on top of their evolving value propositions and embrace a new version when necessary.

How to Harness the Power of SMS Marketing: A Guide to Best-Practices

How to Harness the Power of SMS Marketing: A Guide to Best-Practices

Brands in every industry have discovered the ease and effectiveness of SMS marketing. Check out this article to learn the do's and don'ts of text messaging.

Direct Mail Marketing's Top Advantages and Challenges

Direct Mail Marketing's Top Advantages and Challenges

Senior marketers say the biggest advantage of direct mail marketing is its personalization options and the biggest downside is its audience targeting/data limitations, according to recent research from SeQuelResponse.

How B2B Marketers Can Shift to Buying Groups in Three Months or Less

How B2B Marketers Can Shift to Buying Groups in Three Months or Less

Your buyer is most often a group, not a single person. So, how can you tailor your marketing tactics to multiple people? This article offers a road map.

The Secret to Excellent CX Is Good UX. But What's the Secret to Good UX?

The Secret to Excellent CX Is Good UX. But What's the Secret to Good UX?

In the ever-evolving landscape of websites, apps, and other interactive experiences, understanding and engaging with your target audience is paramount. Check out this article to learn how audience research can create engaging experiences that keep users coming back.

How Marketers Can Use Identity Graphs to Understand Their Customers Better

How Marketers Can Use Identity Graphs to Understand Their Customers Better

As a marketer, your goal is to deliver real-time, relevant, and engaging experiences to propel your brand forward. Closing customer identity gaps with an identity graph can help.

It's Time to Start Thinking of B2B Marketing as an Investment

It's Time to Start Thinking of B2B Marketing as an Investment

B2B digital marketing may not share every similarity with B2C marketing, but it can certainly benefit from using some of its tactics—an investment mindset, in particular.

Five Steps to More Creative Marketing

Five Steps to More Creative Marketing

From harnessing original ideas that excite customers to sharing quirky content on social media, creativity can spice things up and add color to your marketing campaigns. Here's how to get there in five steps.

What Nicolas Cage Can Teach Us About the Challenger Sale

What Nicolas Cage Can Teach Us About the Challenger Sale

Formulaic approaches feel safe. But you need to get uncomfortable to take control of your audience. Some cues from Nicolas Cage can help you do the Challenger Sale right.

How to Deliver (And Improve) the Connected Customer Experience

How to Deliver (And Improve) the Connected Customer Experience

Learn the basics of the connected customer experience and five approaches to delivering omnichannel experiences at every opportunity.

Brand + Demand: Taking B2B Marketing From Cost Center to Value Center

Brand + Demand: Taking B2B Marketing From Cost Center to Value Center

Companies are fighting to survive, and Marketing needs to be more than a cost center. Although it's easy to preach about the value of brand marketing, the rubber needs to meet the road in practical execution and deliver tangible results.

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