Marketing Management Resources

Six Ways B2B Marketers Can Use ChatGPT to Save Time and Improve Their Workflow

Six Ways B2B Marketers Can Use ChatGPT to Save Time and Improve Their Workflow

There's no point in burying your head in the sand: Generative AI is here to stay, and it's only going to become more popular. The good news is tech marketers can use AI platforms like ChatGPT to make their lives a lot easier.

What B2B Marketing Teams That Outperform the Competition Do Differently

What B2B Marketing Teams That Outperform the Competition Do Differently

B2B marketing teams that outperform their competitors are more likely to have a common plan with Sales, have creative brand activations, and boost budgets in the face of economic pressures, according to recent research.

Three Ways Generative AI Will Change B2B Marketing

Three Ways Generative AI Will Change B2B Marketing

Generative AI tools have captivated the imagination of millions, but what do they have to offer B2B marketers? How will we be applying them in our work? Here are three ideas.

What Leaders Would Change About Their Crisis Communications Plans

What Leaders Would Change About Their Crisis Communications Plans

Most business leaders who have been through a crisis say they would practice their communications plan more in advance, use more communications tools, and broaden the scope of their communications plan, according to recent research.

Why Tone Matters More Than Ever in Business Communication

Why Tone Matters More Than Ever in Business Communication

As teams are becoming more dispersed, the tone of written business communication is becoming increasingly important, according to recent research from Grammarly.

How to Use Contingency Planning to Future-Proof Your Event Strategy

How to Use Contingency Planning to Future-Proof Your Event Strategy

You've had your event planned for months—but suddenly one of the speakers can't make it! Crisis! To prevent panic every time that happens, it's best to incorporate contingency planning into your event planning.

The Top Priorities of CMOs at Enterprise B2B Firms

The Top Priorities of CMOs at Enterprise B2B Firms

Chief marketing officers at enterprise B2B companies say their top strategic goals are to improve the customer experience, ensure their teams have the right skills, and generate leads/sales, according to recent research.

What Slows the Creative Process Down

What Slows the Creative Process Down

Marketers and creatives say the top things that slow the creative process down are waiting for feedback and chasing down approvals, according to recent research.

Your SMB Needs a Full-Funnel Marketing Approach. Here's Where to Start.

Your SMB Needs a Full-Funnel Marketing Approach. Here's Where to Start.

It's difficult to align Sales and Marketing when your company isn't big enough to have departments dedicated to those functions. That's why SMBs need a full-funnel approach to marketing. Here are three steps to get you there.

How to Overcome Poor Communication to Drive Marketing Performance in 2023

How to Overcome Poor Communication to Drive Marketing Performance in 2023

It's time for marketers to reinvent their organizations, and that starts with effective communication. Communicating clearly and consistently reduces costly slowdowns, enhances the customer experience, and drives the ability to scale.

AI for Customer Support: More Meaningful Interactions, Less Costly Resolutions

AI for Customer Support: More Meaningful Interactions, Less Costly Resolutions

Artificial intelligence has been improving workflows in back-office systems for years. But the advent of generative AI, which interprets human language and mimics human speech, writing, and art, can revolutionize customer service in particular. Here's how.

Five Trends Reshaping B2B Marketing Leadership in 2023

Five Trends Reshaping B2B Marketing Leadership in 2023

From an uncertain economy to new customer expectations, the B2B marketing function—and the job of the B2B CMO—is shifting, quickly. Here's how to make sure those changes lead to better marketing and faster growth.

Four Ways Marketing and PR Can Drive Business Success Together

Four Ways Marketing and PR Can Drive Business Success Together

Are your PR and marketing departments butting heads? It happens. But as in every case, companies have greater success when the two departments work together. Check out four tips for uniting marketing and PR pros.

Four Ways Marketers Can Increase Their Productivity

Four Ways Marketers Can Increase Their Productivity

The trials of remote work and multiple meetings can make being productive more difficult than ever. Check out these four tips for increasing your productivity.

First-Party Data Isn't Enough: You'll Need the Right Data Infrastructure to Derive Value From Your Marketing Data

First-Party Data Isn't Enough: You'll Need the Right Data Infrastructure to Derive Value From Your Marketing Data

Implementing a data infrastructure can make the difference between planting a flag on a mountain of useless customer data and turning a smaller hill of data into actionable insights. The amount of data doesn't matter so much as what you do with it.

Three Ways to Help Women Join the Ranks of Agency Owners

Three Ways to Help Women Join the Ranks of Agency Owners

Women make great marketers. So why do so few of them own marketing agencies? This article presents possible ways to solve that problem.

It's The Golden Age of Marketing. So Why Is the Fractional Model So Attractive?

It's The Golden Age of Marketing. So Why Is the Fractional Model So Attractive?

Foregoing a robust in-house marketing team and, instead, outsourcing various capabilities—called fractional marketing—is become more popular. Here's why.

Unlearn So You Can Succeed: Why (And How) You Should Rewrite Your Playbook

Unlearn So You Can Succeed: Why (And How) You Should Rewrite Your Playbook

It seems natural to move beyond ways of thinking that haven't worked. But business leaders also need to be able to let go of tactics that have worked in the past so they can start fresh in a new role.

Martech 2023: Three Trends to Expect

Martech 2023: Three Trends to Expect

In 2022, several technologies cemented their marketing viability. In 2023, we'll start to see those technologies live up to their potential, argues this article.

Marketing at the Speed of Thought: AI Use Cases for Four Content Types

Marketing at the Speed of Thought: AI Use Cases for Four Content Types

We've all heard it: AI is here, you need to use AI, incorporate AI into your business. But in the case of marketing, what exactly do you use it for? Here are practical applications for AI across four content types.

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