Looking for but struggling to find top digital marketing talent? Worried hiring the wrong people will cost you? (It will.) Learn how specialized recruitment agencies can help you find the right candidates. Read more.
The average tenure of chief marketing officers at large corporations has stabilized and is now in line with other C-suite executives, according to recent research from Spencer Stuart.
What prevents companies from fostering a better corporate culture? To find out, researchers conducted a survey in March 2024 among 440 professionals in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Learn how to present these four essential KPIs to your board, ensuring your data tells a compelling story. Find out now.
Most employees who prefer hybrid work say their ideal situation would be to spend two or three days a week in the office, according to recent research.
What are the biggest challenges freelancers face when working with clients? How do they feel about their onboarding, team integration, and feedback experiences with clients? To find out, researchers surveyed 200 freelancers.
Do managers think artificial intelligence will lead to fewer employees and lower salaries? To find out, researchers conducted a survey of 3,000 adults in the United States in management positions.
How do full-time social media marketers spend their time each week? Which tasks do they wish they had more time for? To find out, researchers surveyed 500 social media marketers in the United Kingdom and the United States.
Explore the efficiency and effectiveness of microlearning in corporate and marketing training and career development. Dive in for actionable insights into acquiring skills and achieving remarkable results by embracing the future of learning.
Executives at B2B marketing agencies say adaptability is the most important skill for their team members to have, according to research from LinkedIn.
What grade do chief executive officers give chief marketing officers? Do CEOs think CMOs are bold or bureaucratic? To find out, researchers surveyed 150 CEOs at US companies that have 100+ employees.
Considering how rapidly marketing is changing, including how reach is fracturing across a myriad of channels and platforms, there's a lot that's not in our control. What we can control is we react to inevitable failure. For gritty marketers, it can be the secret to marketing success.
GTM captures the essence of B2B marketing and sales. The first critical step—the most vital element of any GTM planning—is to get management buy-in, which hinges on the quality and clarity of your GTM plan. Here's how to develop and communicate a solid plan.
What is the average salary of a digital marketer in the United States? How do average salaries differ by work location, job role, and gender? Find out.
During revenue headwinds and economic uncertainty, CFOs often turn to reducing marketing headcount and budgets. Yet, CMOs must still generate more pipeline and revenue. But how? Enter outsourcing—specifically, marketing as a service.
Looking for a new B2B marketing agency? This article will help you understand what goes on behind-the-scenes at an agency when your brief goes out.
A survey of 1,252 workers in the United States found that meaning is the factor most strongly correlated with people wanting to stay at their job—ahead of growth, belonging, daily experience, and compensation.
The median starting salary for a corporate chief marketing officer in the United States is expected to be $189,750 in 2024, according to recent research.
The insights in this article are truly valuable for marketing and creative managers who must find the talent they need. But if you are that talent... it pays (literally) to know what exactly those managers will be considering in the hiring process. Find out how to be more easily hired!
The way marketing and sales are done is changing—fast. Harnessing the unique skills of Marketing and Sales for a common purpose can help you get ahead of the curve. Here's how.