Marketing Content Resources

The State of Blogging in 2022: Post Length and Writing Trends

The State of Blogging in 2022: Post Length and Writing Trends

Bloggers say it takes more than four hours, on average, to write a blog post, according to recent research from Orbit Media.

Moving From Content Marketing to Content Strategy: Four Actions to Take

Moving From Content Marketing to Content Strategy: Four Actions to Take

You can have the longest list of content items in the world, but it's not a content strategy until they're mapped to your customers' needs. To get there, take these four actions.

A Complete Guide to Anchor Text Optimization in Four Steps

A Complete Guide to Anchor Text Optimization in Four Steps

Optimizing anchor text is as delicate as it is essential. Iffy tactics risk penalties, but playing it too safe means low rankings. Google will judge you. Follow the four steps in this article to get your anchor texts just right.

Webinar Invitations: Examples and Best-Practices

Webinar Invitations: Examples and Best-Practices

We've all been there: You send out a million party invitations, and nobody shows up. Ouch. To ensure that doesn't happen with your company webinars, use these invitation tips.

The Cost of Poor Business Writing

The Cost of Poor Business Writing

Has the meteoric rise of video and audio content made written text obsolete? Hardly. Bad business writing can cost a company everything, from productivity to potential customers.

B2B Content Amplification Trends: Top Channels and Content Types

B2B Content Amplification Trends: Top Channels and Content Types

Three-quarters of B2B marketers say they are not spending enough time on content amplification, according to recent research from Converge.

How to Increase Leads: Effective Entry Points for Lead Magnet Signups

How to Increase Leads: Effective Entry Points for Lead Magnet Signups

This article explores what entry points are and how to successfully use them to get people signed up and into your database.

Email Newsletters: Nine New Best-Practices

Email Newsletters: Nine New Best-Practices

The email newsletter will never die! But it will continue to undergo changes every now and then. Here are nine of today's best-practices that will get your newsletter read.

The Content That Marketers Want From Social Media Creators

The Content That Marketers Want From Social Media Creators

Which content formats and content types are brands asking social media creators/influencers to partner on most often? To find out, Sprout Social conducted a survey in May 2022 among 516 US marketers.

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