Career Development Resources

AI Skills: The Competitive Edge Marketers Can't Afford to Ignore

AI Skills: The Competitive Edge Marketers Can't Afford to Ignore

Generative AI is undeniably having an impact on every facet of business (and our lives), and that certainly includes marketing. For marketers, adapting to and embracing genAI is not just an option, it's a necessity.

How to Be a Gritty Marketer: Leverage Failure in the Search for Mastery

How to Be a Gritty Marketer: Leverage Failure in the Search for Mastery

Considering how rapidly marketing is changing, including how reach is fracturing across a myriad of channels and platforms, there's a lot that's not in our control. What we can control is we react to inevitable failure. For gritty marketers, it can be the secret to marketing success.

Salary Trends for US Digital Marketers

Salary Trends for US Digital Marketers

What is the average salary of a digital marketer in the United States? How do average salaries differ by work location, job role, and gender? Find out.

How to Get the Most Out of Radio or Podcast Appearances to Amplify Your Message via Audio Media

How to Get the Most Out of Radio or Podcast Appearances to Amplify Your Message via Audio Media

Radio and podcast appearances can be powerful ways to spread your message to an audience of avid listeners who might convert into potential leads. But you have to know how to tailor your message to audiences that listen to these types of shows. These useful tips will help.

2024 Salary Guide: Pay Forecasts for Marketing, Content, and PR Positions

2024 Salary Guide: Pay Forecasts for Marketing, Content, and PR Positions

The median starting salary for a corporate chief marketing officer in the United States is expected to be $189,750 in 2024, according to recent research.

Crack the Salary Code: 2024 Must-Know Insights and Trends for Marketers

Crack the Salary Code: 2024 Must-Know Insights and Trends for Marketers

The insights in this article are truly valuable for marketing and creative managers who must find the talent they need. But if you are that talent... it pays (literally) to know what exactly those managers will be considering in the hiring process. Find out how to be more easily hired!

How CMOs Can Use AI to Make Career-Changing, Strategic Business Impact

How CMOs Can Use AI to Make Career-Changing, Strategic Business Impact

AI adoption has the potential to bring the much-beleaguered CMO role to the frontline of business operations. With the CEO and C-suite's support, CMOs can use AI responsibly to drive digital change and meet growth goals. Here's how.

How Well Do Senior Marketers Understand AI?

How Well Do Senior Marketers Understand AI?

Most senior marketers say their understanding of artificial intelligence is at the beginner or intermediate level, according to recent research from Drift and the Marketing Artificial Intelligence Institute.

Are Businesses Planning to Give Their Employees Raises in 2024?

Are Businesses Planning to Give Their Employees Raises in 2024?

Most businesses plan to raise wages in 2024, but those raises will not necessarily apply to all employees, according to recent research from Resume Builder.

Are Job Seekers Lying About Their AI Skills?

Are Job Seekers Lying About Their AI Skills?

Nearly half of recent job seekers looking for office work say they lied about their artificial intelligence skills during the hiring process, according to recent research from Resume Builder.

How to Attract and Retain Top B2B Marketing Talent

How to Attract and Retain Top B2B Marketing Talent

The job market has been volatile recently, see-sawing between pandemic layoffs and the "Great Resignation." This article looks at the company characteristics that help attract and then retain B2B marketing talent.

How Employers' Political Stances Affect Recruiting and Retention

How Employers' Political Stances Affect Recruiting and Retention

A significant share of workers say they would be deterred from taking a job offer if the company takes a political stance contrary to their own, according to recent research from Hi Bob.

The Top 7 Digital Media Trends CMOs Need to Keep Up With in 2023

The Top 7 Digital Media Trends CMOs Need to Keep Up With in 2023

In today's fast-paced digital world, keeping up with media trends is essential for businesses to stay relevant and competitive. This article covers seven trends that are particularly relevant for CMOs.

Why a CXO Alone Won't Solve Your CX Problems

Why a CXO Alone Won't Solve Your CX Problems

If you're concerned about your company's customer experience, don't just throw a CXO into the fray and expect that person to fix it. Leaders need buy-in from all departments to improve customer experience.

The Top Skills Among B2B Marketers on LinkedIn

The Top Skills Among B2B Marketers on LinkedIn

Which skills are the most common for B2B marketers to list on their LinkedIn profiles? To find out, researchers at the professional social network examined LinkedIn 2023 data for marketers who work for 1,000 B2B companies around the world.

The Average Tenure of CMOs at Big Companies

The Average Tenure of CMOs at Big Companies

How long have chief marketing officers been on the job at large enterprises and advertisers? What are the backgrounds of those CMOs? To find out, Spencer Stuart looked at the data.

How to Find and Nurture the Entrepreneurs in Your Company

How to Find and Nurture the Entrepreneurs in Your Company

Your organization's greatest innovations have yet to be discovered. Who's going to discover them? Your sales team's entrepreneurs. So, find and nurture your brightest problem-solvers. Here's how.

The Digital Marketing Jobs That Will Be Disrupted Most by AI

The Digital Marketing Jobs That Will Be Disrupted Most by AI

Digital marketers say the industry roles that will likely be disrupted most by artificial intelligence are content writers, email marketers, and social media managers, according to recent research from Authority Hacker.

Five Tips for Effective Communication With Distributed Teams

Five Tips for Effective Communication With Distributed Teams

Zoom fatigue? You may be missing those water-cooler conversations. Feeling confused? You might need a video call to give you some visual cues. This article offers five tips for healthy communication with a remote team.

The Responsibilities and Backgrounds of Copywriters

The Responsibilities and Backgrounds of Copywriters

What do copywriters do? What are their educational backgrounds? Which skills do employers expect them to have? To find out, Semrush analyzed 400 copywriter job postings on

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