What SMBs Want From Their Websites
SMB owners say increasing search visibility is the top website improvement they want to make over the next year, according to recent research from Duda.
In a recent study by Sana, 91% of B2B buyers reported facing issues that prevented them from completing an online order.
Based on a survey of 1,000 buyers from various industries and countries, the biggest hurdles for online ordering were related to accuracy, such as delivery times, pricing, and stock levels.
Buyers desire accurate pricing and product information, as well as easy access to order status and a functional search feature when using B2B vendor sites.
... continue reading belowTop Hurdles B2B Buyers Face in Online Purchasing
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SMB owners say increasing search visibility is the top website improvement they want to make over the next year, according to recent research from Duda.
Discover why strategic website redesign budgeting is crucial for B2B success and how to balance short- and long-term investments. Start planning now.
Discover how to create and optimize lead generation forms that boost conversions and drive B2B business growth. Read more.
A review of your website content—every text, picture, and multimedia displayed—is essential if you want to ensure it reaches your target audience and supports company goals. But how can you perform a review effectively? Follow these four steps.
Which background colors, fonts, and design features are being used most on small business websites this year? To find out, researchers analyzed the design of 930 small business websites.
Which domains send the most traffic to other websites on the internet? To find out, researchers looked at data from an anonymized panel of several hundred thousand internet users in the United States.