11 Steps for Mastering B2B Podcasting: A Practical Guide for Marketers
Learn how to launch and grow a successful B2B podcast with these 11 expert tips. Start podcasting your way to marketing success. Read more.
Recent research from Validity shows that people become most irritated with SMS messages from marketers when they come too often, from brands they don't know, or are not relevant. Data from a survey of 1,218 consumers over the age of 18 from four countries revealed that 49% say they are annoyed when messages are too frequent, 35% when they come from unknown companies, and when the content isn't relevant.
58% of respondents report unsubscribing due to irritation, and 52% have deleted messages without reading them. On the upside, 52% say they have been influenced to buy a product, 38% to buy a service, and 23% to buy a subscription due to SMS marketing. Shipping notifications and sales/promotions are the most preferred types of messages from brands.
The research was conducted between November 25 and December 4, 2022, among 1,218 consumers from Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
What Annoys People Most About SMS Marketing
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Learn how to launch and grow a successful B2B podcast with these 11 expert tips. Start podcasting your way to marketing success. Read more.
This article explores what makes for a great interview: research and preparation, a proper guest introduction, and engaging conversation.
Sometimes all the cool martech available can obscure the fact that marketing is about connecting with people and having conversations. In this article, our resident Nicolas Cage expert dives into community-building.
Zoom fatigue? You may be missing those water-cooler conversations. Feeling confused? You might need a video call to give you some visual cues. This article offers five tips for healthy communication with a remote team.
As teams are becoming more dispersed, the tone of written business communication is becoming increasingly important, according to recent research from Grammarly.
It's time for marketers to reinvent their organizations, and that starts with effective communication. Communicating clearly and consistently reduces costly slowdowns, enhances the customer experience, and drives the ability to scale.