AI, Ethics, and the Law: How to Stay Aboveboard

AI, Ethics, and the Law: How to Stay Aboveboard

Artificial Intelligence — Fri., Jul. 12, 2024

AI, marketing, and ethics create confusion, frustration, and questionable decisions. Arizona attorney Ruth Carter shares tips for navigating the new AI reality, including reading terms, ensuring privacy and confidentiality, and being transparent with customers.

Verify AI security measures and risk management to prevent hacking and data theft. Create policies, be transparent with customers, and add legal protection to contracts. Don't engage in unethical behavior and consider walking away from clients who do.

Check out MarketingProfs' AI for Demand Gen Marketers session for more information on how AI can improve demand generation. Other articles in the series cover AI's use in the customer journey, building buyer personas, thought leadership, copyediting, and predictive analytics. Follow these steps to successfully integrate AI into your marketing strategies.

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AI, Ethics, and the Law: How to Stay Aboveboard

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