How to Write Concisely: Nine Tips

How to Write Concisely: Nine Tips

Writing — Tue., Jul. 9, 2024

Sometimes, when you fix one problem, you create another. In 2011, Google's Panda update helped steer SEO away from harmful practices towards longer, "helpful" content. However, this led to padding out articles and losing the point in the word count.

Copywriters were asked to write 1,000-word blog posts on unfamiliar topics, going against their training. Thankfully, Google has become more sophisticated in valuing useful content. Users also prefer concise writing, so it's important to get the point across succinctly.

Here are nine tips for achieving conciseness: prep and structure, each sentence should say something new, use active voice, eliminate redundant pairs, avoid filler words, embrace contractions, and check out Marketing Writing Bootcamp for more secrets to irresistible writing.

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How to Write Concisely: Nine Tips

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