Using AI to Build Your Personas: Don't Lose Sight of Your Real-World Buyers

Using AI to Build Your Personas: Don't Lose Sight of Your Real-World Buyers

Artificial Intelligence — Fri., May. 17, 2024

Building buyer personas requires empathy, not just data, and AI shortcuts may not provide meaningful insights. B2B marketer Ardath Albee explains the benefits and limitations of using AI for personas.

AI-generated personas may be too high-level or too in the weeds to be useful. For better results, Albee suggests using ChatGPT and validating the information it provides. AI can enhance MVPs and "day in the life" scenarios for personas.

For more insights on AI for buyer personas, watch Albee's presentation on AI for Demand Gen Marketers and check out other resources in the series. AI can be a valuable tool, but it should be used with skepticism and validation.

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Using AI to Build Your Personas: Don't Lose Sight of Your Real-World Buyers

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