The B2B Buying Process Visualized
Marketing Strategy — Tue., Oct. 3, 2023
Marketers are familiar with the customer journey, which outlines a potential buyer's various steps from research to decision. However, the buying process is also important, as it helps marketers understand who is on the buying team, what roles each plays, and how decisions are made. Visualizing the buying process with maps can help content marketers understand who is doing what.
In B2B marketing, the buying team can have several layers and players, including supervisors, machine operators, and in-house experts from IT, HR, EHS, and MRO. After a vendor is selected, the proposal must be vetted and details worked out with the company's purchasing people. Knowing the players helps marketers tailor their communications to the team.
Diagramming the B2B buying process is an effective way to understand who does what and how decisions are made. More resources on the buying process and ABM tactics are available for further exploration.
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