Martech Replacement Trends in 2024
Which types of marketing technology are replaced most often? Why do marketers decide to replace martech solutions? To find out, researchers surveyed 496 marketers from around the world.
In the current economic climate, it is important to review your current marketing stack to ensure your budget is spent efficiently. HubSpot's inbound methodology provides a baseline to break up stages and identify areas for improvement. Six applications have been suggested to improve ROI at each stage of the funnel: GummySearch, Leadfeeder, Convertful, Continually, markettailor, and Snov.
GummySearch is an audience profiling tool used to research Reddit conversations and popular discussion topics. Leadfeeder discovers nonconverting visitors and can help increase business from these leads. Convertful improves content performance by using targeting options such as URLs, dwell time, and user country. Continually is a no-code chatbot platform used to engage and convert visitors. Markettailor personalizes copy based on source and Snov enriches leads.
These tools can help increase conversion rates and better target accounts. It is recommended to review your funnel from different stages to identify other interesting tools that can improve your performance. Additional resources have been provided for more information.
Six Lead Generation Tools to Improve ROI on Your B2B Marketing Funnel
Don't worry ... it's FREE!
Which types of marketing technology are replaced most often? Why do marketers decide to replace martech solutions? To find out, researchers surveyed 496 marketers from around the world.
Learn about some top marketing automation tools that can streamline your campaigns and improve customer engagement. Read more.
Learn why customer data platforms (CDPs) are crucial for leveraging first-party data to improve marketing strategy and customer engagement. Read more.
The number of marketing technology software products has grown exponentially over the past 13 years, according to recent research.
The first-ever Magic Quadrant for customer data platforms by Gartner signifies a milestone in the maturation and essentiality of CDPs within the martech ecosystem. In a data-centric, customer-first marketplace, CDPs have become a strategic imperative.
Chief marketing officers at B2B enterprise companies say the biggest technology challenge they face is integrating various solutions effectively, according to recent research from Modern.