How Decision-Makers Perceive B2B Ads on LinkedIn
Most business decision-makers say B2B ads on LinkedIn have clear messaging but lack emotional appeal, according to recent research.
Lead generation was cited as the number one challenge by 61% of marketers in a 2022 HubSpot survey. Interactive ad campaigns offer a unique opportunity to stand out from the competition and attract attention. These campaigns allow for a two-way flow of information and give potential customers a personalized experience.
Interactive ads shift the goal of a campaign from selling a product to building a relationship with a target audience. They invite viewers to engage, contribute, and create. An example of this is an Instagram poll which allows for users to have a unique experience with the ad and have their voices heard.
Interactive ad campaigns offer an alternative call to action, such as custom calculators or branded GIFs, which allow viewers to interpret the ad differently and develop a deeper connection to the brand. Though they may be expensive initially, they can create an environment where leads are more easily generated.
How to Use Interactive Ad Campaigns to Generate Leads
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Most business decision-makers say B2B ads on LinkedIn have clear messaging but lack emotional appeal, according to recent research.
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