Inspire More Switches: How to Win Customers From Your B2B Competitors

Inspire More Switches: How to Win Customers From Your B2B Competitors

Marketing Strategy — Tue., Jan. 25, 2022

At the core of your business, you likely have an enticing value proposition. But why don't more of your competitors' customers switch to you? The Rewired Group has innovated a helpful framework known as the "Progress Making Forces" to help you understand the four forces that influence brand-switching.

The first force is pushing away from your competitor. You can identify negative perceptions from online reviews, assert your superiority in comparison, and ask for quotes from clients who switched from a competitor to you. The second force is pulling prospects towards your solution. You should help them picture the happier lives they can lead once they become your client, position your company as a cure to their pain points, and keep the transformations realistic.

The third force is anxieties around your solution. You should neutralize these anxieties by researching your current customers, identifying the most common objections, and using social proof to demonstrate that you are indeed a top-quality service. The fourth force is habits preventing them from making a switch. You can overpower these habits with ambition, home in on the prospects' biggest motivators, and emphasize emotion to give prospects the incentive to switch.

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Inspire More Switches: How to Win Customers From Your B2B Competitors

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