Martech Replacement Trends in 2024
Which types of marketing technology are replaced most often? Why do marketers decide to replace martech solutions? To find out, researchers surveyed 496 marketers from around the world.
Frankendecks are a common problem for marketers. They are often created with good intentions but can lead to an overwhelming mess of fonts, formats, and information that isn't consistent or on-brand. Learning to spot them is the first step towards preventing them and marketers should use presentation software with smart templates to ensure brand consistency.
Frankendecks have a few hallmark characteristics, such as information overload, lengthy text blocks, and a hodgepodge of brand assets and design elements. They can be unprofessional and distract audiences, leading to a poor perception of the business. Smart technologies such as design AI can help teams create professional and engaging stories that are on-brand.
Presentation software with smart templates gives teams prebuilt, customizable slides and presentation templates that serve as design guardrails. Design AI applies design best-practices in real-time, allowing teams to create visual stories that uphold today's design-forward standards. Frankendecks can be avoided with the right technology and there is no excuse for them in today's business environment.
Pitch Decks: How to Avoid the Dreaded Frankendeck
Don't worry ... it's FREE!
Which types of marketing technology are replaced most often? Why do marketers decide to replace martech solutions? To find out, researchers surveyed 496 marketers from around the world.
Learn about some top marketing automation tools that can streamline your campaigns and improve customer engagement. Read more.
Learn why customer data platforms (CDPs) are crucial for leveraging first-party data to improve marketing strategy and customer engagement. Read more.
The number of marketing technology software products has grown exponentially over the past 13 years, according to recent research.
The first-ever Magic Quadrant for customer data platforms by Gartner signifies a milestone in the maturation and essentiality of CDPs within the martech ecosystem. In a data-centric, customer-first marketplace, CDPs have become a strategic imperative.
Chief marketing officers at B2B enterprise companies say the biggest technology challenge they face is integrating various solutions effectively, according to recent research from Modern.