2025 Is a Make-or-Break Year for B2B Personalization: Marketers Need to Be Ready
AI, video, and data can deliver the promise of B2B marketing personalization in 2025. Meet buyer expectations and drive marketing success. Read more.
COVID-19 has drastically changed how we interact, but marketers can learn a lot from how customer service professionals have adapted. By using the right channels, new customer expectations such as hyper-personalization, and leading with company values, marketers can build long-term relationships with customers. A recent Gartner report states that customers expect a rich virtual experience. Here are a few tips on how marketers can meet these expectations.
Personalize, but don't generalize. Gather cues from requests and purchasing behavior to make sure you’re addressing their specific needs. Additionally, digital outreach should be experiential and interactive, and customers are more interested in doing business with brands that align with their values. Make sure customers get a seamless experience across all communication channels.
Consent is key. Ask customers for permission to continue conversations, and find out which channels they prefer. Respect their preferences and lead with your company's values in an authentic and relatable way. As the pandemic recedes, it’s important to maintain the connections built with customers and build trust by treating them with respect.
How to Meet Customers' New Expectations With Tried-and-True Customer Service Best-Practices
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AI, video, and data can deliver the promise of B2B marketing personalization in 2025. Meet buyer expectations and drive marketing success. Read more.
The share of media time spent online by Baby Boomers has jumped 20+ percentage points over the past decade, according to recent research.
B2B buyers are increasingly being influenced by personal decision drivers, such as how comfortable they feel with a vendor, vs. professional drivers, such as pricing, according to recent research.
Learn how fostering online communities an increase customer loyalty, brand awareness, and business success. Start building success. Read more.
Discover three practical ways to build stronger post-purchase relationships with clients, leading to higher retention and customer lifetime value. Learn more.
Explore how AI & technology and the human touch will together transform B2B customer experience, creating personalized interactions. Learn more.