Three Reasons You Should Start Your Marketing Strategy While Your Product Is Still in Development

Three Reasons You Should Start Your Marketing Strategy While Your Product Is Still in Development

Marketing Strategy — Wed., Aug. 11, 2021

It's important to start marketing a product or service before it's 100% ready in order to build excitement, anticipation, trust, and interest. A prelaunch product marketing strategy gets the conversation started, allowing time for audiences to generate buzz and get excited for the launch. Nurturing and building relationships with the audience is key, as it establishes trust and respect, and encourages word-of-mouth marketing. Furthermore, it ensures an audience for the launch, so that they won't miss out on the story.

Weekly nurturing during the prelaunch period helps get the word out and set the product up to get to market faster, as well as to a more receptive audience. It's important to sell the audience on the business, ideas, and brand before asking them to purchase. Doing this establishes trust and respect, so when the product launches they will be more willing to purchase. Consistency is key, as it keeps the conversation going and keeps the product at the forefront of the audience's mind.

Advertising is also necessary to ensure an audience for the launch. When the audience has a reason to care about the launch, they'll show up for it and the marketing initiatives will continue to grow, even beyond the launch. Building market awareness is critical for success, so it's important to start marketing before the product or service is ready.

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Three Reasons You Should Start Your Marketing Strategy While Your Product Is Still in Development

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