Martech Replacement Trends in 2024
Which types of marketing technology are replaced most often? Why do marketers decide to replace martech solutions? To find out, researchers surveyed 496 marketers from around the world.
Marketers have come a long way from traditional marketing strategies like billboards and newspaper ads. However, consumers are now exposed to up to 10,000 advertisements a day, making it hard to capture their attention. Intent data companies collect digital breadcrumbs left behind as prospects search online, giving marketers a better understanding of who is showing interest. Strategies like segmenting prospects by keyword clusters and creating personalized content can help marketers to meet their customers' needs.
Not all intent data is equal. Bidstream data is collected indirectly and is not compliant with regulations like GDPR and CCPA. Co-op data is collected directly from the page, and the sites obtain networkwide consent before collecting user data. When choosing an intent data provider, marketers should ask questions like if they collect scraped bidstream data and if they are fully compliant.
Intent data can help marketers to better understand their prospects and create more personalized content. By cutting down the clutter on their account list, knowing what prospects are researching, and creating relevant ABM journeys, marketers can make sure they are approaching the right prospects with the right message.
Four Ways Intent Data Helps Declutter Your Customers' Marketing Journey to Boost Conversions
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Which types of marketing technology are replaced most often? Why do marketers decide to replace martech solutions? To find out, researchers surveyed 496 marketers from around the world.
Learn about some top marketing automation tools that can streamline your campaigns and improve customer engagement. Read more.
Learn why customer data platforms (CDPs) are crucial for leveraging first-party data to improve marketing strategy and customer engagement. Read more.
The number of marketing technology software products has grown exponentially over the past 13 years, according to recent research.
The first-ever Magic Quadrant for customer data platforms by Gartner signifies a milestone in the maturation and essentiality of CDPs within the martech ecosystem. In a data-centric, customer-first marketplace, CDPs have become a strategic imperative.
Chief marketing officers at B2B enterprise companies say the biggest technology challenge they face is integrating various solutions effectively, according to recent research from Modern.