It's About Time: Six Tried-and-True Ways to Extract Content From Your SMEs

It's About Time: Six Tried-and-True Ways to Extract Content From Your SMEs

Marketing Content — Tue., Jan. 12, 2021

Content creation is a task that is often neglected by organizational leaders. With their limited time, it can be a challenge for marketing departments to get internal experts to help create content. It's even harder if the executives don't value the efforts. Fortunately, there are techniques to make this process more efficient. Abstract Day, Adaptive Reuse, Already Scheduled Calls, Research, Voice Note, and Writing Workshop Lunch & Learn are all methods that can be used to extract content from executives and internal experts.

Abstract Day is one of the most effective methods. Think of it as speed dating where experts come to a conference room to present their content ideas. Adaptive Reuse involves taking an SME's PowerPoint and turning it into a post or article. Already Scheduled Calls, Research, and Voice Note are other ways to capture content. Lastly, Writing Workshop Lunch & Learn is a way to help executives write their own content.

By using these techniques, marketing teams can produce regular streams of high-quality content from internal-expert sources. It may require time and practice, but the result is worth it. Content creation will be much more efficient and the organization will benefit from the publicity.

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It's About Time: Six Tried-and-True Ways to Extract Content From Your SMEs

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