2025 Salary Guide: Pay Forecasts for Marketing, Content, and PR Positions
The median starting salary for a corporate chief marketing officer in the United States is expected to be $200,250 this year, according to recent research.
2020 has changed the world of marketing, increasing the expectations of the millions of professionals in the field. B2B marketers must take on a new consultative role to manage the entire sales and marketing ecosystem to match customer expectations. Here are six ways to embrace this role and get ahead of trends.
Erase lanes whenever possible, and see business interactions as a part of one long and complex story. Recast yourself as a steward of trust, offering customers something that makes their job easier in return for their data or attention. Build a powerful partner bench to get the best technology and expertise, and focus on unlocking the potential of data. Stay up to date on regulatory activity and remain nimble.
By evolving to meet greater expectations and help companies solve new problems, marketers can become even more valuable business partners. Solutions architect is a great title to have in the ever-changing world of marketing.
Six Tips for Moving From B2B Marketer to Solutions Architect (And Why You Should)
Don't worry ... it's FREE!
The median starting salary for a corporate chief marketing officer in the United States is expected to be $200,250 this year, according to recent research.
Researchers recently identified three key drivers of effective sales training: mentorship/coaching on a regular basis, a high-quality onboarding program, and the use of assessments to identify which skills need development.
Discover the future of the "positionless" marketer in an AI-driven world, where adaptability and cross-functional skills are essential. Learn more.
Most managers (81%) say recent college graduates would benefit from workplace training in various areas, such as receiving feedback and cellphone etiquette, according to recent research.
Learn the benefits of developing internal thought leaders to build trust and enhance your B2B brand's reputation. Read more.
Many business leaders are worried about filling open job roles and knowledge workers are increasingly looking to learn and showcase AI skills, according to recent research.