Five Steps for Leading Email Marketing Through Change and Crisis

Five Steps for Leading Email Marketing Through Change and Crisis

Email Marketing — Wed., Jul. 15, 2020

Getting email marketing right can be a challenge, and in times of global crisis, it is important to be authentic and helpful to customers. Don't drastically cut your marketing budget, but be aware of changes in the economy. To ensure success, follow five practical steps: adapt to change, embrace authenticity, make every email perfect, don't skip steps, and create relevant and personalized experiences.

The most important thing is to maintain a high-quality and personalized experience. Analyze data to get closer to customers and increase engagement, and collaborate with remote teams. Ensure your emails carry the right tone and content and make sure all necessary people review and approve emails before sending. Don't forget to provide educational content and resources.

Email is still the most trusted and reliable marketing channel, and by following these steps, your brand will be able to build lasting relationships with customers. Show them you care and assure them you will be there for them now and when the economy gets back on its feet.

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Five Steps for Leading Email Marketing Through Change and Crisis

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