Sales Presentation Skills: How to Measure and Evaluate Your Salespeople

Sales Presentation Skills: How to Measure and Evaluate Your Salespeople

Demand Generation — Tue., May. 26, 2020

It is essential for salespeople to be effective presenters in order to reach their full potential. To measure and evaluate presentation skills, one should consider the “7Cs”: congeniality, clarity, customization, comprehension, compellingness, confidence, and collaboration. Each of these can be scored from 1 to 5 and incorporated into a spreadsheet for review. To improve underperforming presenters, one should create measurable goals and action steps for improvement. Evaluations should be performed periodically to ensure changes are being made and prevent new issues.

Before evaluating presentation skills, one should understand what makes for a good presentation. Each of the “7Cs” are important, such as congeniality, clarity, customization, comprehension, compellingness, confidence, and collaboration. Different options for assessment can be used, such as asking reps to evaluate themselves, following up with customers, conducting mock presentations, participating in live sales presentations, or recording live sales presentations.

For improvement, one should work with sales reps to create measurable goals and action steps based on their weakest areas. This may mean connecting them with sales training resources, helping them strengthen their strongest areas, or assigning them to sales calls with prospects that align with their strengths. Evaluations should be repeated periodically in order to better understand the sales reps strengths and weaknesses, and make sure changes are being made.

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Sales Presentation Skills: How to Measure and Evaluate Your Salespeople

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